Dr. Ritesh Shah Returns From Mission Trip to Vietnam

Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Ritesh Shah recently returned from his first medical mission trip with Operation Walk Chicago. The group visited Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in March 2024, where Dr. Shah worked alongside the OWC team to provide medical assistance and perform 50 Total Hip Replacements to Vietnamese patients. In this video, Dr. Shah shares his impressions of the trip and his experience working with the patients.

What is Hip Preservation? Avoiding Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Joint Preservation

Hip joint preservation is an innovative approach to keep your hip joints healthy, functioning, and to keep you moving pain-free. By using non-surgical or surgical techniques, you can prevent or delay the need for hip replacement surgery.

Staying Hip: Labrum Tears, Impingement & Osteoarthritis

Join Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Ritesh Shah and Karen Brownlee, a personal trainer and adult program coordinator at the NSYMCA in Northbrook, as they discuss “Syaing Hip” –  in the 37th Virtual YMCA Education Series Program hosted by Illinois Bone & Joint Institute and North Suburban YMCA.

Champion Ice Skater Returns To Ice After Hip Replacement

A former professional figure skater, Anthony was a four-time national medalist who started skating at age 6. His dad wanted him to be a well-rounded athlete and wished for him to play hockey. Instead, coaches quickly recognized Anthony’s gift and grace for figure skating.

Chicago doc performs surgery with little or no narcotics.

Medical prescription

An estimated 1 million Americans will undergo knee or hip replacement surgeries this year, and most will be given narcotics to deal with the pain. It’s just that sort of surgery-opiate cycle that is helping to fuel the opioid epidemic in this country. But one Chicago doctor has found a way to perform surgery with little or no narcotics.
